Israel was set up, from the get-go, to fail and to be annihilated.

I explained here:


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Thank you! I have seen them. Appreciated! xx

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I really like your analysis and feel I learned a lot but still this issue of usury and the Iron Bank, never losing, growing in power and poison will fund where they want the cattle fat and eating and cull and lay fallow the exhausted paddock.

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Of course sounds too good to be true that a millennial empire will be destroyed on our watch.

The key thing about the RIC civilizational states facing the empire, is that commercial banks that do the actual sucking from society are mostly owned by the government. Hence, lower income and corporate taxes, and much more expenditures on society, education, healthcare, transportation, industrial and agricultural projects, pensions etc.

For once in a millennium, Money Powers do not have military, economic or technological supremacy. So there is good reason to be optimistic

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It might be similar to the battle of maling. https://quannguyen128.substack.com/p/battle-of-maling. I hope everyone enjoy it.

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Nice story, left my comment there

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I appreciate this overview of a mechanism with many moving pieces, Fadi. I hadn't known the history of Lebanon. And the perspective that assassination is actually a sign they're losing makes a lot of sense. It keeps the conflict going because they don't care about their casualties--they being the Money Powers, of course.

We're still thinking along complementary lines. I have one written on the RICs, that quotes from your book on Russia, that I'll record tomorrow. As a spoiler, my conclusion is that the best that can happen for the West (since I have a vested interest in life after we lose) is that the RICs "turn the embargo tables and cut trade with Israel and NATO countries. Refusing the imperial currencies of dollars, pounds, euros and yen would have the same effect. This would force autarky on us, the way we did to another RIC: Russia, Iran, Cuba." This comes back to your William Engdahl quote on the REAL weapons of mass destruction.

On another note, you're now my source of the most new subscriptions. I think I get 2-3 from you a day. Thank you! And with other good news, Laurent Guyenot just subbed me in response to a conversation we were having on his recent Unz article. He only has four other Substacks, so I'm very honored. Yay!

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Quotes: "I have a vested interest in life after we lose.....This would force autarky on us"

You will NOT lose, you will win. As you repeatedly mention in your book: "the right to be productive". After an adjustment transition period, the quality of life would be immeasurably better than what it has been for a long time. It would go back to golden days of the 1950s, where there were ample productive jobs.

The advantage the US has over say Europe, is that it has energy reserves, minerals and lots of agricultural land. Naturally it will take some time to rid the land of the GMO damage done so far. Of course you need to rid the land of the financial parasites too, crash of the USD would go a long way into eliminating them.

WOW congratulations on being subbed by Laurent :-)

Check for your name in comments to Simplicius article:


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Just a note about here. For the last few days we have been in a state of shock.

Yesterday, I was able to understand the feelings. I lost my father when I was 56. It was painful, coz he was my mentor.

The loss of Sayyed Nasrallah to me and most here, was similar to losing a father, but not losing him at 56, rather losing a father when you are 8 years , when you still need and depend on him. Actually to me and most, it is more painful than when I lost my father.

A guy on TV today said: "it would be easier if I had lost my son instead". Many mothers expressed similar feelings.

People in the West may not comprehend this, but hundreds of thousands in Lebanon and millions elsewhere, would rather take a bullet in the head, than have Sayyed hurt.

But this is life...... C'est la vie....

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This is what I wrote on Vanessa Beeley's article, which included a clip of Marwa Osman hearing the news on live TV: "Marwa's response made me cry. It told me more about who Nasrallah was than reading volumes."


Vanessa mentioned that she'd be talking with Marwa that night. I copied your reply to me there, I hope that's okay.

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Of course it is OK. I just finished watching Alastair Crooke on Judge Napolitano channel, as usual most informative. In the beginning he talks about who Sayyed Hassan was and how much he was loved in the world. Big demonstrations in Kashmir, India and Pakistan, besides those in Iraq and Iran. I will be at his funeral procession in Lebanon, there will be another in Iran, then in Iraq where he will be laid to rest in Karbala near Imam Hussein the grandson of the Prophet. This is the greatest honor possible. This year over 30 million visited the tomb of Imam Hussein both on the anniversary of his death and on the 40th day after anniversary of his death. All year long visitors do pilgrimage to the tomb of Imam Hussein.

By the way, Alastair uses the expression "we are in a transition period as a tectonic change is taking place in the world" nearly same way I have described current geopolitical events in the book. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCS97AOI2X0

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I completely agree. And I only now get how clever your title is, Why the West Can't Win rather than Why the West Will Lose. As long as the Money Powers are winning, we're all losing. And yes, the RIC ending trade or no longer accepting dollars for trade (same functional difference) would be the fastest route I can think of to having people consider my plan. We simply couldn't afford to give away our houses and labor to the banks.

I'm hoping to herd all the technofix idiots into one commonwealth with their idea that robots will do all the work and we'll 'follow our passions.' Let them eat their passions!

And the propagandist Eisenstein with his free love communes that he says will end war by ending possessiveness. Send him and his harem away too. I found out from one of my readers that his 'living in the gift' has meant appropriating other people's ideas without credit including Thich Nhat Hahn's Interbeing and Berry's 'Old Story, New Story.' So I'm not the only one.

Thank you for the comment in Simplicius! I didn't need to look far since it had 11 likes. I may need to sub him, I also used 'Hail Mary pass' to describe Zelensky latest desperate bid. I've already gotten 3 subs from you today and 1 from your comment on Simplicius, and it's barely 9 am!

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Super... you made me laugh!

"I'm hoping to herd all the technofix idiots into one commonwealth with their idea that robots will do all the work....I'm hoping to herd all the technofix idiots into one commonwealth with their idea that robots will do all the work"

"And the propagandist Eisenstein with his free love communes... Send him and his harem away too"

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I appreciate your analysis, with its broad perspective. When Israel succeeds in killing its enemies, it appears to be winning. Yet I'm gradually coming to understand that this is not the case.

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Article was already too long to give more examples on how clandestine operations do not influence results on the battlefield. For example the March 2024 massacre at the Moscow, Crocus City Hall, resulting in 145 dead and over 550 injured:

1. What impact did it have on battlefield in Ukraine? If anything Ukrainian defeats accelerated.

2. What impact did it have on Russian army recruitment? Increased.

The belief systems of the RIC in general, and Resistance Axis in particular require them to maintain the upper moral ground. This is readily evidenced by ratio of military to civilian casualties on either side of the war.

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WeChat flooded with such unverified info, but looks like he has been sunset instead

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With all due respect, everything stated is backed by reliable references.

You have a computer, do your own research and try to prove just 1 thing incorrect.

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Ahh, shit dog, you underestimate those satellites, those 14 Eyes, those EuroTrashLandians and Klanadians and Inbred Queedomers.

Drones, drugs, viruses, bioweapons, Larry Oracle Jew First Ellison (he owns the cloud, as does Peter LGBTQA+ Thiel and, well, Larry Israel is my Harbor Fink and 20, $30 trillion Black Hearted BlackStone and then BlackRock have?

There are booby traps all over the place, and Samson is a great stupid Marvel tale, but Isra-Hell has 1,000 nukes, and is ready for supremacy there.

How many Russians dead and destroyed just in 2 years? Come on.

Israel was Set UP to be that vassal of the Wailing Wall White House and all the other Semites of the Anti-Muslim and Anti-Christian variety.

Ahh, those fucked up Arab nations, dead on arrival. Morocco and Israel, best fucking buddies?

The Empire is more than the fucking Yankee Doodle Dandies. THink hard on DOD, MIC, dual use tools of capitalism.

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