Excellent retrospect Thank you.

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The Banksters Will Lose The 500 Year Battle

...news from the front


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Will they?

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As reader of 83 years, there is always more to learn...My focus has been health and nutrition for 64 years...body, mind and spiritual information. However, .not everyone is on the same path. Awareness and being informed is key to survival. As someone who played chess for years, I learned to think before making a move...and look for new and pertinent information.

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Quote: "Awareness and being informed is key to survival"

A question I have asked myself many many times over the years:

Is it better to be aware of the malfaisance all around us, or to be ignorant living in bliss?

Never could come to a definitive answer

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Living in bliss can wind up in disaster...Thinking ahead is a protective mechanism. It stems from being well informed.

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agree... on the other hand being well informed and aware of all the injustice in the world is a heavy burden

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It's in greater hands than ours...I trust totally that all is known and that time will resolve all issues. The road blocks one experiences...can turn out to be very valuable.. Learning in the long run is far more important . It is not about money and success...it is about real knowledge.

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I so appreciate what you share with us. Being “awake” has caused me great anxiety and depression at times. I am sometimes envious of my more blissful “sleeper” friends. I am however, grateful that I am aware and informed 🙏🏻

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Agree fully. Actually we really don't have a choice, once we are aware we cannot erase our awareness.

Sure, being aware allows us to better navigate our personal life, but at the same time we are frustrated by our inability to effectively counter injustices, so we write :-)

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A little of both!! The middle way.............

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This was a great post.

It seems a well that the climate con and the bird flu and swine flu hoaxes, inter alia, are also convenient diversions from the true situation which is that the financial con we live under continues to fail at ever accelerating rates.

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so because the world is on the verge of financial collapse.... the population needs to be culled in the billions

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No one knows really :-)

Actually the Money Powers have always been Malthusian:

- Kissinger's NSSM-200 https://www.hli.org/resources/the-kissinger-report-nssm-200/

- David Rockefeller: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClqUcScwnn8&t=13s

- Aurelio Peccei: The ideologist behind globalization and the elimination of national sovereignty, co-founder of the Club of Rome. In his 1969 landmark book: "The Chasm Ahead", population growth is one of the major problems facing the world.

You can download PDF of his book. Well worth reading, in it is the roadmap the globalists have been following since 1970.

By the way in 1805 Thomas Malthus was Professor of History and Political Economy at the East India Company College. At the time the East India Company was the pinnacle of Money Powers in the colonial era.

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I don’t understand a couple of terms or concepts. “Singularity” and “Repo rate”. Sorry but what does this mean? Catherine Austin Fitz has always said to keep using cash as often as possible! I heard on the radio they want to do away with coins. Trump is pushing cryptocurrency which will also end our independence. So the rich and powerful are so rich and powerful they can swing the entire world wherever they want. Look at Musk in there getting all the personal private and critical information on every citizen. And no one can stop this!

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Singularity: when a process or system hits a point of instability, and value shoots. For example

Y = (3X + 9)/(X-1), when X = 1, Y = 12/0 = infinity, so X = 1 is a point of singularity

Repo rate, definition from Trading Economics


"Overnight repo rate is the interest rate at which different market participants swap treasuries for cash to cover short-term cash needs. The repo rate is helping to ensure banks have the liquidity to meet their daily operational needs and maintain sufficient reserves. The repo rate usually trades in line with the Federal Reserve’s target interest rate."

Due to the Basel III Accord, financial institutions had to hold higher reserves and thus had less cash on hand to lend, so the rates increased, until was there an extreme shortage of cash, that the repo rates skyrocketed.

The singularity in Repo rates, occurs when there is no cash with financial institutions to lend. so the rates just shoot up.

Please let me know if questions have been clarified?

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Man, this was hilarious :) the best part is using red and white cubes for USA rockets on the Moon

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lol lol Noooo the red and white cubes is for the first moon walk, 1954... Tintin :-)


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WOW! I was busy responding to the excellent conversation on your first post in the series, and I'm late to get to this. But there are three revelations new to me:

The connection between the 'moon landing' and fiat currency. I'd shelved the question about the moon landing as one that didn't matter but, now that I see it, the whole thing is SO hokey I can't imagine I ever believed it. Tinsel and science-fair project constructions.

I hadn't heard that quote from the Fire Chief. WOW.

I knew about ISIS and the war games in Wuhan.

I didn't know about the connection to the repo market or $10T handed to the bankers. WOW!

The psyops are dropping like swatted flies on your stack, Fadi!

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"The psyops are dropping like swatted flies on your stack"

lol lol gave me one hell of a laugh!!!!!

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I just read this remarkable presentation of the events that shaped our lives and the Hegelian scenarios used to maximize their impact. Using minimal words, you brought out the amazing way all of us get hoodwinked into acceptance of the brainwashing and bullying that’s always part of Wag the Dog playbook.

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Thanks for the ‘Wag the Dog’ trigger, Jeff. Let me add reference to Dave McGowan’s “Wagging the Moondoggie”, another must for the collective dossier …


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listening to moondoggie... hilarious... just love his sarcastic style :-)


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Yes, isn’t his sarcastic style delightful – makes for a fun read/listen. It has been a while for me, but I just browsed the following:

“But that is not the main reason that people cling so tenaciously, often even angrily, to what is essentially the adult version of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. What primarily motivates them is fear. But it is not the lie itself that scares people; it is what that lie says about the world around us and how it really functions. For if NASA was able to pull off such an outrageous hoax before the entire world, and then keep that lie in place for four decades, what does that say about the control of the information we receive? What does that say about the media, and the scientific community, and the educational community, and all the other institutions we depend on to tell us the truth? What does that say about the very nature of the world we live in?

That is what scares the hell out of people and prevents them from even considering the possibility that they could have been so thoroughly duped. It’s not being lied to about the Moon landings that people have a problem with, it is the realization that comes with that revelation: if they could lie about that, they could lie about anything."

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If it were only lies, that would be OK... but the lies are usually to lead to something nefarious.... and what is worse they can use the mass communication platforms "they" dominate to manipulate and control how people think, and when needed to whip up a frenzy. I believe this is happening in the US today. Population is split into two extremely antagonistic groups, Trump worshippers and haters. ICE-9 suggests this is leading towards a civil war; I tend to agree with him

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WOW this reference https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/ seems even more comprehensive than the one I listed!

Thank you

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Dual-purpose operations, spot on 💯

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Thank you so very much for this great summary. All the key points VERY FEW ever mentioned.

Also just want to add that Kari Mullis (Nobel prize inventor of the PCR technology/test) died suspiciously in August 2019. I always believed he alone could easily have brought the whole scamdemic crashing down. (Sure, Fauxi, must have understood this also...)

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Regarding putting man on the moon.

China, India & Russia are putting hardware on the moon almost routinely. That is approx 90% of the difficulty for the task, adding life support for the journey is the easy bit. The life support required isn't that much different to that used for aircraft & submarines & that sort of thing.

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Putting hardware is completely different than putting a human being.

Protecting hardware from Van Allen belts is a trivial matter, protecting a cabin with 1 or 3 humans on board would require shielding in the tens of tons, there is no rocket yet that can carry such a payload.

To date NASA doesn't have protection against Van Allen belts, in the following video NASA admits that they need to solve the Van Allen radiation problem before they can go to outer space:


The most comprehensive debunking of Man on The Moon movie is the reference #5 provided in the text:

American Moon. Luogocomune2, YouTube, Oct 15, 2019


This reference is long, 3.5 hours; however it is the most comprehensive analysis of the Man on The Moon movie.

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which means Elon Musk is lying all this time consciously? If top officials who lead nations lie, and Russia is silent about this, who is telling the truth? Only you?

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The technology for landing humans on the moon is not available yet, and definitely was not available 56 years ago. A major problem are the Van Allen radiation belts, which would require tens of tons of shielding materials for the astronaut cubicle. No rocket is yet available to carry such a payload.

The most comprehensive video about the Moon Landing movie is the reference #6 American Moon. Luogocomune2, YouTube, Oct 15, 2019


Regarding Musk & Trump administration in general, do not take all they say at face value, keep in mind that they are waging war against entrenched powers. Much of what they say is to distract attention. Imagine what they did with USAID which was a cornerstone of the mass psychology manipulation of the Empire. Excellent essay by Joshua Stylman: "The Pattern Beneath. USAID and the Architecture of Perception"


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How do you respond to someone who still believes that we really put three men on the moon when 55 years later NASA officials have actually said we can’t go back there because we no longer have the technology to do so?

Hey space travel isn’t like computers or everything else where we see astronomical advances over the years. When it comes to exploring the universe, the darned Van Allen radiation belt somehow got so supercharged it made us forget how we once penetrated it.

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You will find the reply in Part 3, Key Findings of Mass Psychology, relevant excerpts in this case:

§ Humans are emotional, irrational beings:

- Emotional resonance matters more than facts or logic.

- Can never change people’s behavior by appealing to them rationally.

§ Truth and reality are irrelevant; perception is:

- Shift in value systems from emphasis on “truth” to emphasis on “credibility.”

- Reality is irrelevant, perception is, provided it is credible.

- Media shapes perception.

So... not possible to convince using rational arguments :-(

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For other readers, Jeff is referring to the following clip featuring Don Pettit …

“I’d go to the moon in a nanosecond.

The problem is we don’t have the technology to do that anymore.

We used to but we ... aah ... destroyed that technology and ... aah ... it’s a painful process to build it back again.“

“Dr” Don Pettit (NASA Astronaut) is featured from around 9:41 here:

• The Two Most Hilarious Things NASA Has Ever Said - Truthstream Media


One comment made me chuckle:

• How can America go to the moon again?

• Stanley Kubrick is dead

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Some fairly straightforward stuff about the radiation risks. The Apollo missions mostly reduced risk by using sheer speed through the belt.


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"The Apollo missions followed ballistic trajectories, so they passed through the belts very quickly which reduced the risk from this population to a very low level."

I'm sure they have some sophisticated mathematical modelling which addressed this question. I apply the same principle when I run through rain to avoid getting wet.

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lol lol lol gave me a hearty laugh!

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Nasa officials haven't said it's currently not possible to put people on the moon.

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As far as radiation is concerned yes hardware needs protecting & hardening & that's done routinely That's why starlink etc works. If going to the moon the route out & back needs choosing carefully & speed is important so people can avoid harm. Also, it makes sense to avoid sending the same crew repeatedly but some crew members did actually carry out more than one trip. There is retro reflective hardware left on the moon by the Apollo missions that still works & is detectable from earth.

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Julius Skoolafish (https://substack.com/@juliusskoolafish) sent me a superb reference on this issue:





Very long, but I enjoyed every minute of the audio... will make you laugh like crazy :-)

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China's Change 5 missions launched on November 24, 2020, and landed on the Moon on December 1. It returned a sample of about 1.7 kg (60 ounces) of lunar rocks and soil to Earth from the plains of Oceanus Procellarum. The material was dated to be about two billion years old, making it the youngest lunar sample. Another lunar sample return mission, Chang’e 6, launched on May 3, 2024. Chang’e 6 landed on the lunar far side on June 1 and returned the first far-side samples to Earth on June 25. Two other missions, Chang’e 7 and 8, are planned in the 2020s as part of the south pole research station project.

The Change 4 mission put a lunar rover on the moon. Cool or what?

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The stuff below is of course entirely fictional. For instance, there aren't any extreme temperatures in a vacuum, even on the moon. One of the issues with a functional space suit is simply getting rid of the heat generated by the person in the space suit. The materials of a typical space suit aren't required to be special or unusual & types of space suit that would do the job were being developed in the UK long before anybody started thinking seriously about going to the moon.

--- Moon Doggle Fiction Starts ---

"Already we have heard from NASA types about how we haven’t yet solved the radiation problem, and how we haven’t yet developed spacesuit materials capable of withstanding the temperature extremes on the Moon, and how we haven’t yet solved the problem of how to deal with all that Lunar dust … and now we find that we apparently also haven’t yet worked out how to deal with the fact that spacecraft returning from the Moon would have to survive much higher re-entry speeds than spacecraft returning from low-Earth orbit! And I’m guessing that we might also have a problem with controlling the all-important reentry angle."

--- Moon Dongle Fiction Ends.---

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Just googled "temperature on the moon" & got this:

The temperature on the moon can reach a blistering 250° Fahrenheit (120° Celsius or 400 Kelvin) during lunar daytime at the moon's equator, and plummet to -208 degrees F (-130° C, 140 K) at night.

In certain spots near the moon's poles temperatures can drop even further, reaching - 424° F (- 253°C or 20 K) according to NASA.

One reason for these dramatic extremes is that the moon has no lunar atmosphere to insulate heat.

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If you ever go to the moon and try using a thermometer you'll find that's nonsense. All you need to do is paint a used bean can white on one side & black on the other put some sand in it, put the thermometer in the sand & by adjusting how the can is oriented relative to the sun a temperature of say 5°C can be maintained, could use it to keep things chilled. In the satellite world it's referred to as passive thermal management. It's a simple matter to select where we are on the moon & what the date is to get a reasonable surface temperature for the visit, it's not difficult to deal with expected surface temperatures either , select the right place & time & the materials used for the soles of my safety footwear be of course be perfectly fine.

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Another great read and I, too, learnt new things such as the relationship between the moon-landing hoax and fiat currency.

I agree, “American Moon” is the must-watch definitive exposé of the moon-landing hoax.

But for a lighter take, here is JP Sears (AwakenWithJP)

• 13 Reasons Why the Moon Landing was FAKE - Ultra Spiritual life episode 125 - AwakenWithJP


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I too knew for a long time that moon-landing was a hoax, but I only learned about the connection from ICE-9 in his post: The Killing Joke - Chapter 3 of 25


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Types of Fiat currency were being used more than a thousand years ago. The basic idea is an IOU note used by livestock farmers at a market for example to be settled using gold or something with value at an arranged safe place later. Fiat currency is simply a well organised system of general purpose, transferable IOU notes where the value simply exists in the item or service or person hours etc purchased.

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Please note, I mentioned "Pure fiat" that is only backed by "Full Faith and Credit” of America.

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That's a reasonable point about fiat currency - so we really need to get to the bottom of matters by questioning usury and mercantilism which manipulated the token currency system.

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I agree, that is the essence of the problem. I traced it back to the Venetian Empire, but I now believe it goes farther back.

By the way, when I read about work ethics in the "Dark Ages" pre-mercantilism, I was surprised that I was taught by my father to follow those same standards. From R.H. Tawney, Religion and the Rise of Capitalism a Historical Study:

There is a moral authority to which considerations of economic expediency must be subordinated. There is no place in medieval theory for economic activity which is not related to a moral end.

It is right for a man to seek such wealth as is necessary for a livelihood in his station. To seek more is not enterprise, but avarice, and avarice is a deadly sin …

… payment may properly be demanded by the craftsmen who make the goods, or by the merchants who transport them, for both labor in their vocation and serve the common need. The unpardonable sin is that of the speculator or the middleman, who snatches private gain by the exploitation of public necessities.

… usury in particular, as an offence against morality specifically [is] forbidden by both the church and public policy.

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Thank you very much for that link to Tawney – PDF downloaded.

Quote: “It is right for a man to seek such wealth as is necessary for a livelihood in his station. To seek more is not enterprise, but avarice, and avarice is a deadly sin …”

YES – and see Gaddafi’s Green Book

“No one has the right to undertake an economic activity whereby wealth exceeding the satisfaction of one’s needs can be amassed.”


“Allowing private economic activity to amass wealth beyond the satisfaction of one’s needs and employing others to satisfy one’s needs or beyond, or to secure savings, is the very essence of exploitation.”


(Section “16: Land”)

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I read Gaddafi’s Green Book, I had downloaded it after reading your article about it.

Gaddafi was a grossly underestimated visionary.

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My favorite parts of Covid:





Into A Frenzy.


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Easier than you might suspect... hopefully following parts will shed more light on this

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• Was There A Nazi Moon Landing?


• Iron Sky Official Theatrical Trailer [HD]


LOL :-)

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Here is a great compilation by Jeff J Brown

• Apollo Moon Hoax Library. More than half of all Russians and Brits agree it is one big propaganda scam. How long are you going to keep being a sucker? - Jeff J Brown

• Seek Truth From Facts is your one-stop online resource to be smarter and well-informed, in the face of the West's relentless Big Lie Propaganda Machine!


Source article: https://radiosinoland.com/2025/02/22/apollo-moon-hoax-library/

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