Selected Cases of Mass Psychology in Geopolitics
This work has made extensive use of the research and publications of Joshua Stylman[1] and ICE-9.[2] It is strongly recommended to study their work.
Selected Cases of Mass Psychology in Geopolitics
1907 – Panic of 1907
The panic generated by the first global financial crisis led to re-establishment of the federal income tax and establishment of the privately-owned Federal Reserve System in 1913.[3],[4]
1969 – Man on the Moon
This lay the groundwork for the introduction of pure fiat currency, globalization, and endless wars in 1971.[5],[6] Quoting ICE-9:
Technically the path to pure fiat was complete with the successful test launch of Apollo 8 with its Saturn V ICBM nuclear payload delivery system.[7] However, never in human history was money of no intrinsic value or nonredeemable to money of intrinsic value: a feat that hitherto was considered impossible in human history was needed. There was a need for an equivalent impossible achievement to cement an unthinking and unflinching belief in the unlimited potential of America before the fiat money was released.[8]
In the 1960s it had already been established that, “Reality is irrelevant, manipulated perception is”,[9] or, as Daniel J Boorstin put it, “A shift in common experience from an emphasis on ‘truth’ to an emphasis on ‘credibility.’” “All of us are less interested in whether something is a fact than in whether it is convenient that it should be believed.”[10]
Eureka! Putting a man on the moon would be the feat to match pure fiat! All that was needed was a credible movie! Hence, the 1969 Apollo 11 movie.[11] What mattered most was that the world believed America put a man on the moon, it had accomplished the impossible, and no one was in the frame of mind to consider that the impossible was – well, impossible.[12]
Reality is irrelevant, perception is, provided it is credible
If America can do the impossible, then all can accept money backed by “Full Faith and Credit” of America.[13] Et voila the doors were wide open to financialization of the US economy, globalization, neoliberalism, inflation, impoverishment of the masses, and endless wars.[14]
2001 – 9/11
It was a dual-purpose operation: justification for implementing the geostrategic plans for control of Southwest Asia and North African energy resources, and implementing totalitarianism in the West.
Quoting former congressman Curt Weldon:[15]
Oreo Palmer, he was one of the most respected members of the New York City Fire Department. He and his team took an elevator up to the 50th floor of Tower One: then they got off the elevator, and they walked 28 floors up to the floor where the plane hit. They got to the floor where the plane hit, and you can hear him say as clear as day: “I'm here I'm on the floor of impact; we've only got two fires here and we can handle them.” Five minutes later the entire building collapsed.
The September 11 attacks provided the “catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor”[16] needed to set the U.S. military intervention plans in motion. Quoting General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11:
In addition to Afghanistan we’re going to take out seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.[17]
Internally, 9/11 ushered the onset of the totalitarian era with passage of the Patriot Act in the US and similar laws in the other Western countries.
2011 – Arab Spring
Failure of direct military intervention in Iraq, led to subcontracting the war on Southwest Asia and North Africa to ISIS et alia. Quoting Donald Trump:[18]
I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally.
2020 – Covid-19 Pandemic
Another dual-purpose operation, to avert a global financial crash and a culling of the herd.
Recall that the 2007 – 2008 Global Financial Crisis and the subsequent money printing spree by the Fed had a catastrophic effect on the “Full Faith and Credit” of America and on the USD as trade and reserve currency, as noted in the figure below:[19]
Another global financial crisis would be the death knell of the dollar as a trade and reserve currency, which would put an end to pure fiat currencies and consequently bring about the End of Empire.
January 2015: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, which was undertaking Gain-of-Function research on coronaviruses, reports first lab incident involving genetically engineered organisms.[20] Obama Administration had funded creation of Covid-19 in 2015.[21]
January 2017: Basel III Accord transitional arrangements go into effect, tightening financial institutions’ liquidity. [22]
January 2018: Basel III Accord transitional arrangements further tighten financial institutions’ liquidity.[23]
December 2018: Overnight repo rates exploded, hitting a singularity.[24]
January 2019: Basel III Accord transitional arrangements further tighten financial institutions’ liquidity.[25]
January 2019: US lawmakers introduced the CARES Act into the Congressional pipeline more than a year before the pandemic was declared. This allowed pumping a $6.2 trillion “stimulus” package into the economy when the pandemic was declared.[26] This strongly suggests that Covid-19 was a well-planned and coordinated reaction to an anticipated financial singularity event.[27]
August 2019: The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, James Bullard warned: “Something is going on, and that’s causing, I think, a total rethink of central banking and all our cherished notions about what we think we’re doing… We just have to stop thinking that next year things are going to be normal.”[28]
August 2019: The bioengineered Covid-19 virus was ready for deployment.[29]
August 2019: The “Crimson Contagion 2019 Functional Exercise” involving federal, state and local officials in 12 states was simulating a flu that begins in China and lands in Chicago.[30]
September 2019: Repo rates explode, exceeding those of the 2008 crisis.[31] The Fed intervenes, pumping billions of dollars into the repo markets to avoid another global financial crisis.[32]
September 2019 the biggest spike in repo rates on record.[33]
October 2019: Several American soldier-athletes were airlifted from Wuhan back to the US when they came down with a respiratory virus.[34]
November 2019: First case of Covid-19 detected in Wuhan, China[35]
December 2019: Banks had received $4.5 trillion in cumulative loans from the Fed. Not one major business media outlet reported the details of the Fed’s interventions.[36]
January 2020: Interbank lending and commercial credit was drying up in Europe, with banks issuing margin calls and cutting credit lines. It appeared that a massive financial crisis was imminent.[37]
March 2020: The World Health Organization declares the Covid-19 pandemic,[38] rescuing the banking system by creating the perfect smokescreen for the bankers to stage a veritable global banking coup followed by the largest ever bailout of the entire Western financial system. Ultimately, the total bailout gifted to the bankers exceeded 10 trillion dollars.[39]
The Covid-19 “pandemic” averted a global financial crash, which would have dealt a fatal blow to the pure fiat money construct. The Fed printed more money in 2020 than it had in all the 20th century,[40] and Congress allowed the greatest transfer of wealth to pass under the radar.[41],[42],[43]
By using Fear, Hope, Experts, and Celebrities, coupled with AI narrative control, echo chambers, and censorship, billions of people were herded globally to willingly subject themselves to a gene modifying mRNA treatment incorrectly labeled “Vaccine,” which had proved to be detrimental in animal testing and which consequently proved to be highly detrimental to humans. The worldwide mRNA vaccination scheme has been aptly described as culling the herd.[44]
[3] How JP Morgan Picked Winners and Losers in the Panic of 1907: The Importance of Individuals over Institutions, Jon Moen, Economic History Society, Jun 5, 2020
[4] The Panic of 1907, Jon R. Moen and Ellis W. Tallman, Federal Reserve History, Dec 4, 2015
[5] The Evolution of Fiat Money, Endless War, and the End of Citizenship, ICE-9, Burning Platform, Aug 12, 2020
[6] American Moon. Luogocomune2, YouTube, Oct 15, 2019
[7] The Killing Joke - Chapter 2 of 25, ICE-9, Substack, Nov 9, 2024
[8] The Killing Joke - Chapter 4 of 25, ICE-9, Substack, Nov 23, 2024
[9] HyperNormalisation HD, Adam Curtis, YouTube, Nov 25, 2016
[10] The Image, a Guide to Pseudo Events in America, p212 Daniel J. Boorstin, Harper’s publishers, 1961
[11] The Killing Joke - Chapter 4 of 25, ICE-9, Substack, Nov 23, 2024
[12] The Killing Joke - Chapter 3 of 25, ICE-9, Substack, Nov 16, 2024
[13] The Killing Joke - Chapter 2 of 25, ICE-9, Substack, Nov 9, 2024
[14] The Evolution of Fiat Money, Endless War, and the End of Citizenship, ICE-9, Burning Platform, Aug 12, 2020
[15] “They Ended My Career To Hide The Truth About 9/11!” - Fmr Congressman Curt Weldon, The Jimmy Dore Show, YouTube, Jan 29, 2025
[16] Project for the New American Century, “Rebuilding Americas Defenses”, September 1, 2000.
[17] General Wesley Clark “We’re going to take-out 7 countries in 5 years.” [Democracy Now broadcast, March 2, 2017], YouTube Video, 7:51 (Nakama, March 6, 2019)
[18] “Donald Trump: I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally,” CNN, Aug 12, 2016
[19] Gold-Backed BRICS Currency: De-dollarization?, Tamanveer Ahuja, The London Financial, Jul 9, 2023
[20] Here Are Six Accidents UNC Researchers Had With Lab-Created Coronaviruses, Alison Young, ProPublica, Aug 17, 2020
[21] Federal Documents Prove Obama Ordered the Creation of COVID-19 in 2015, ForbiddenNews Substack, Feb 9, 2025
[22] Basel III transitional arrangements, 2017-2028, BIS
[23] Basel III transitional arrangements, 2017-2028, BIS
[24] Repo Quake – A Primer, Pater Tenebrarum,, Oct 3, 2019
[25] Basel III transitional arrangements, 2017-2028, BIS
[26] The fall of Britain (part 2), Alex Krainer, Substack, Jan 1, 2025
[27] The Killing Joke - Chapter 1 of 25, ICE-9, Substack, Nov 9, 2024
[28] The fall of Britain (part 2), Alex Krainer, Substack, Jan 1, 2025
[29] American Pravda: "If Anything Happens to Me...", Ron Unz, Jan 27, 2025
[30] ‘Crimson Contagion 2019' Simulation Warned of Pandemic Implications in US, Carol Marin & Don Moseley, NBC Chicago, March 24, 2020
[31] Repo Quake – A Primer, Pater Tenebrarum,, Oct 3, 2019
[32] The fall of Britain (part 2), Alex Krainer, Substack, Jan 1, 2025
[33] Repo Quake – A Primer, Pater Tenebrarum,, Oct 3, 2019
[34] American Pravda: "If Anything Happens to Me...", Ron Unz, Jan 27, 2025
[35] First Covid-19 case happened in November, China government records show – report, Helen Davidson, The Guardian UK, Mar 13, 2020
[36] There’s a News Blackout on the Fed’s Naming of the Banks that Got Its Emergency Repo Loans; Some Journalists Appear to Be Under Gag Orders, Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall Street on Parade, Jan 3, 2022
[37] The fall of Britain (part 2), Alex Krainer, Substack, Jan 1, 2025
[38] World Health Organization Declares COVID-19 a ‘Pandemic.’ Here’s What That Means, Jamie Ducharme, Time Magazine, Mar 11, 2020
[39] The fall of Britain (part 2), Alex Krainer, Substack, Jan 1, 2025
[40] The US printed more than $3 trillion in 2020 alone. Here’s why it matters today, Depledge, Jun 16, 2022
[41] The CARES Act Sent You a $1,200 Check but Gave Millionaires and Billionaires Far More, Allan Sloan, Propublica, Jun 8, 2020
[42] Billionaires added $5 trillion to their fortunes during the pandemic, Anna Cooban, CNN Business, Jan 16, 2022
[43] The super-wealthy won big as COVID-19 spread - here's how they can help alleviate the economic peril faced by most, John Letzing, WEF, Oct 28, 2020
[44] The Killing Joke - Chapter 1 of 25, ICE-9, Substack, Nov 9, 2024
Excellent retrospect Thank you.
The Banksters Will Lose The 500 Year Battle from the front