I'm grateful to Vanessa Beeley for pointing me to this article. It's both succinct and comprehensive, going back to Yahweh and that ideology to the Popes as the voice of God, which is still the genocidal sociopath, Yahweh.

I would differ in that the equality of men, under Islam, is separated from the equality of women among themselves in your quote. All of the three religions 'of the Book' see some as authorized to speak for God, and so provide an ideology where obedience to authority supersedes a universal and personal morality.

I'm preparing an article on Guyenot's From Yahweh to Zion, and they seem to follow the same trajectory with yours expanding into the Levant and the next step after Palestine. I look at the Hebrew pronunciation of Jews as Yews or Ewes, since there is no J in Hebrew. The Jews, like the Ukrainians, are just there to be used and discarded. The real power is in The City of London. Israel is another sacrifice zone, a burnt offering.

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Thank you Tereza,

I have learned a lot from Laurent. His work has been very valuable in helping me understand the dichotomy between the life and teachings of Jesus and the Catholic church, and understanding Judaism.

I read From Yahweh to Zion and look forward to reading your article about it.

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Thanks for responding, Fadi. I'm also learning a lot from Laurent, which is good preparation for your elucidating book that I need to order. However, his position on Jesus is the one place he and I disagree. I would be ethically inconsistent (aka hypocritical) to take you and Kevin Barrett to task for critiquing Judaism as false but another Abrahamic religion as true, and let Jesusism off the hook.

What religion should be is a forum for asking the big questions starting with, 'What is my true relationship to you?' All organized religions speak for God in answering that question, and it's always hierarchical.

You're starting with the Popes in 1000 CE but the 'divine right to rule' went from the Davidic line to Constantine when they invented the Jesus myth: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/jesus-rebel-or-imperialist and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/jesus-is-the-og-psy-ops.

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I have read Guyenot's book, "From Yahweh to Zion", in addition a to number of his articles I have also read.

Though I enjoyed his book very much, sometimes I found his writing a bit uneven when it came to the historical information he was providing.

I would be very interested in reading your upcoming article. Where do you plan to release it?

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Seems, you're on the same wave-length as our dear author Frances Leader ...👍👍🌹🌹

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Absolutely yes! I just got a notice that Frances was recommending my stack, which reminded me that I wanted to recommend Fadi's. Frances' writings on the three autonomous regions of power really changed my whole perspective.

It's so nostalgic that you would point me back to this initial article of Fadi's when I didn't know who he was. And now we're enthusiastically reading each other's books and plotting our own conspiracy, in its original meaning as a sharing of the spirit ;-)

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I just published an article. The reason for publishing was your praise of Yanis Varoufakis lol.

I recall reading somewhere:

"Without changing the system, changing any one thing is impossible."

Greece did not have a chance with Syriza, as they were not willing to break with the system and anchor their "revolt" on Greek civilizational heritage. The net effect was to consolidate the stranglehold of Money Powers on Greek society, and today Greece is worse off than it was before Syriza.

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Haha, we're still on the same page, Fadi, just a different chapter in my life from when I wrote my book. Yes, at that time I thought Yanis was sincere but mistaken in how to save Greece from the bankers. Since he came out with his stance on Ukraine, I no longer think so: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/yanis-varoufakis-is-naive-on-ukraine.

I'll read your article with interest!

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Good you tore him to pieces on his Ukraine stance.

I also did on one of his YouTubes, but it was about economy not Ukraine.

He is just full of hot air, to put is mildly.

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I'll respond to myself to catch you and Fadi, Steve. I've posted the article here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/from-yahweh-to-zion. It's gotten many interesting comments, including those grateful for the link to Fadi's article. There was so much to comment on in Guyenot's book, I only covered the first chapter. Much of my work has been covering the biblical backstory. I'm just finishing FYTZ now on The Great Game and it's still delivering insights that I'm finding useful.

Thank you for asking me about it!

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Thank you Tereza, excellent review of Laurent's book!

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And thank you so much for subbing me, Fadi! I cover a lot of different topics but this one is always close to my heart.

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Wow! This is an incredible history, sharpening my awareness of all the motivations and and attendant manipulations by western Imperial powers to deflate anything resembling a unified Muslim resistance to its hegemonic destructive insanity. Israel is merely the manifestation , or Golem(?) of a much more comprehensive machinery of domination. Golems are only created by people with extremely psychotic minds. Long love Iran, long love Hamas, long live freedom from the Anglo-American empire! Now just to convince all the people living within that structure the truth of the matter.

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🤞🤞🤞🤞 !!! أظيم !!!

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Enjoying this. Not sure of all the details but would highly recommend supplementary reading of “The Eighth Crusade: Uncensored Disclosures of a British Staff Officer 1939” by Lt. Col. E B Waters-Taylor.

In particular. It explains the deceit and hypocrisy involved with the Sykes–Picot Agreement and the Balfour Declaration. I must write up a Mention of this book.

But also see …

“The Jews and the British Empire” by Lesley Fry


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Thank you Julius,

All statements in article are referenced, and in particular the effort was made to use mostly Jewish and Israeli references. If you come across any questionable info, please let me know.

Interesting about Lt. Col. E B Waters-Taylor's book the Eighth Crusade, I read "Author's Introduction". It reminded of Douglas Reed's "The Controversy of Zion".

One of objectives of this article was to put in context the Balfour Declaration, which was the demographic necessity of breaking up the Levant which had existed as a unified region for over 6.5 millenniums. What I figured from his intro, is that Waters-Taylors addresses the manipulation of British politics and the duping of the British population. This is not particular to Britain, rather it is a reflection of the fact that Britain lost its sovereignty in 1694 with establishment of the privately owned central bank. Same applies to the US in 1913. Today few nations in the world have central banks under control of the governments instead of the BIS. That's why I classify these countries as sovereigntist nations in Why The West Can't Win. Suffice to have monetary and financial policies independent of government control, to know that in such nations governments serve interests of "Money Powers" not interests of society.

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@Colonialism Full view of Colonialism than half view of colonialism especially colonialism assessment not only measurable crime of colonialism in pursuit of exploitation of land, resources and labor but also non measurable crime of colonialism in pursuit of exploitation of human minds and human soul/spirit that costs generations of aftermath of colonialism especially future generations than present and past generations of experiencing colonization including digitization/technological colonization especially in using Artificial Intelligence than human intelligence in dealing with human affairs beyond military surveillance and Artificial Intelligence application of colonies by colonizer like digital colonization especially in digital age/modern times than Stone Age/ancient times.

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This is the plan. Arab countries need to wake up before it's to late. USA and NATO will always support the zionist plan

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Most Arab countries are vassal states. Liberation of Palestine de-facto entails liberation of Arab countries from the puppet regimes.

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We need to get @JillStein elected. Yes we can! She is the only progressive on the race so we have to do the impossible and get out the vote!!


Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law Israel Did 911- No More Wars 4 Israel Robert F. Kennedy, Jr AIPAC Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression Manhattan Institute for Policy Research Joe Biden MintPress News Amnesty International USA Human Rights Watch YouTube National Organization for Women (NOW) Israel Defense Forces Scott Ritter 2023 Equal Justice Initiative Senate GOP Global Research Invisible Institute

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I agree with much of what Jill Stein says. However, you need to understand "democracy", it was created by the Money Powers FOR the Money Powers:

"Elected" officials have absolutely no power.

Financial and monetary policy is tightly in the hands of central banks which are beyond the control of governments thus governments have no power.

Elections, politics, sports entertainment, movies, etc. are part of the "circuses" in the Roman recipe: "Give the poor bread and circuses and they will never revolt".

Added to the Roman recipe, is keep the masses in debt bondage to emasculate them, mortgage debt, education debt, credit card debt, etc.

Don't expect change in democracies, it will only disappoint you.

Due to current global geopolitical events there will be change, it will be from bad to worse.

At this juncture in history, one needs to focus on how to navigate the troublesome period ahead. To this end, when you have time, check the article I first published: "The Great Dessert: The Geopolitical - Financial Endgame" It is pretty long, so its divided into 3 parts.

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Yes, you are definitely right. Jill Stein is not gonna do anything. She got a lot of money from Democrats to do a recount in 2016 and it never Amounted to anything and she never gave back the money to anyone.

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This is mind blowingly comprehensive. I need to sleep on it but I'll be sharing...

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South Africa is different. The Bantu were not the indigenous people. The Bantu came from the north. They were attracted by employment and plentiful food - grown by Dutch farmers. The Bantu exterminated the indigenous Blacks. The British came later on - for the gold. The Bantu outbred the Whites. They are killing the Boer/Dutch farmers. Soon enough, they will starve as they are incapable of running a modern economy.

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It seems like a pretty big coincidence that, as this reality becomes apparent, the population of the Ukraine is being dramatically diminished. I wonder who will fill the vacuum?

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It is exactly the same plan with Ukraine - they want the land without Slavs. If possible Russia also. Crimea was supposed to be the capital of restored Jerusalem and Komoloisky had done a Rothschild by purchasing most of its land. In fact after it was merged with Russia the first thing Putin did was to attach 110+ properties in the name of Komoloisky to the Russian state. The same interest is out to conquer Georgia and Armenia which are historical territories of pharisaism according to the claim. And the turco-mongols seem to be part of the plan - why is there a newly created greenfield capital in Kazhakstan (ASTANA - is that an anagram?) full of Masonic symbolism - a future judicial capital with guillotines hidden somewhere? This plan is also why there are scores of dirty virus labs in Central Asia and E Europe including the Lugar Centre in Georgia targeting Slavic DNA. The neighbours of the Slavs including the Turcomongols and the Georgians are not entirely honest in hosting these labs. Also you must understand that Freemasonry which brought Bolshevism to E Europe made a grand re-entry to E Europe and Central Asia in 2010s. Soon these regions were polarised, filled with Slavophobia and faced color revolutions. A grandmaster was installed for the lodge of Georgia with the name Irakli in 2015-16 - is this Irakli and the current Irakli PM the same? What is happening in the neighbourhood of the Slavs?

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Given Russia's previous experience with the Bolsheviks, my questions are: "Is the Russian populace aware of their enemy? Is Putin working against the Talmudic/Masonic interests?

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If you read RT, you know that the regular Russians know but if they have Putin by the balls, then he’s not doing anything against them

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So far Putin doesn't appear to be the type that can be blackmailed, not a pedophile, thief or has a murky history behind him... anyhow he put an end to political meddling of the oligarchs, and cut them down to size.

Keep in mind Putin's background as a lawyer and chess player... so his moves are calculated and slow.... as his speeches indicate he is deep into history.. so he for sure knows what the Jews did to Russia in the 19th century (assassination of 2 Tsars), early 20th century (Bolsheviks) and last decade of 20th century (rape of Russia).

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Hello James, the Bolsheviks were a construct of the Ewes. In fact, Marx may have been one and he married one. Have a look at this: https://odysee.com/@Happy:9/Europa:bcb - it's a gigantic doco at 12:22:53 long but I only managed the first hour which gives one a very good history of the Bolshevik's beginnings and the early years in Russia. I found the going a bit harrowing after an hour.

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Scholarship is rigorous and evidenced based. Your writing is swayed by sentiment and anecdote. Your suggestion that I am reliant only on media is not just impolite, it’s insulting.

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Lying by omission is a common ruse and one which you employ here. Islam is an exclusivist and supremacist ideology, par excellence. Thus, non Moslems are obliged to accept an inferior social status ( dhimmitude), forced to pay a punitive tax ( jizyia) and tolerated until they capitulate, either by submitting to degradation, converting or accepting sudden and pitiless massacre. In Moslem states, persecution of non Moslems is the order of the day; it can be routine or peremptory, but is always present. In effect, accept, suffer or die is the menu on offer.

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I am Christian of the Levant. What does this mean?

It means that going back 1400 years to my great great great great....grandfather, none of them was oppressed to the point of changing religion or leaving the region.

My grandfather was a landowning farmer, and back in the 1940's sent his two eldest sons to study medicine abroad, with no debt. So he was doing rather well, at least as well as the top 90% of US society today.

You may need to base your comments on facts not mainstream propaganda. It would also do you good to be polite.

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I think the author is mistaken about what is happening here. Israel is much more than a settler colony.bit is the fulfillment of the whole Jewish religion. The jewish people brought out of exile and established in Israel is the messiah of the jewish religion.

The author needs to read the zohar to better understandi sraeli thinking. Jerusalem is supposedto be the capital of a globalist empire , they will not let it leave their hands easily. The whole conspiracy of secret soceties can be brought to bear against Islam.

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You are right, there could be an eschatological dimension; Alastair Crooke who is a leading expert on the region, emphasizes this fact frequently.

The approach adopted in this research avoided getting into this dimension as it is not an "exact science". Research was based on irrefutable facts, so that a robust, bullet proof analysis could be presented.

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Thank you for explaining that it was a good article except for it's lack of focus on the jewish religions(or inversion of it) role in returning to zion. Talmud does effect how the jewish settlers treat Palestinians.

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To understand the devastation, misery and the deep, deep sorrow the Israelis have inflicted on the people of the Middle East since the early 1900s I think we need to look back several thousand years to see what Israel's genesis was, and indeed the origins of modern man and find out exactly who was this Yahweh character. To this end I find the research and translations of Paul Wallis to be invaluable - https://paulanthonywallis.com.

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I have not yet read this (need to carve out some quite moment) but I wanted to mention Jeremy Hammond. I don't know if you know of his work (https://www.jeremyrhammond.com/), he's been an excellent source of information for me for many years. His articles are also well referenced.

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I checked a few articles on Jeremy's website; we seem to be on the same wavelength on most topics.

Thank you

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Yes. I thought so that's why I mentioned :)

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