This interview is really quite good, Fadi. So glad to be a new follower of your work. You clarify a lot of things about the Mideast history; like Sykes Picot. Your analysis about the shift of differential, and the fact of Israeli military being so dependent on the US, shows what may happen next.

If they attack Lebanon, this will only hasten their demise.

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Exactly! true there are some people in Lebanon that are concerned about a big war taking place, but there are much much more, hoping that US/Israel launch the big war, so that century long suffering of the Levant and Southwest Asia is brought to an end.

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There's also the possibility as posted in one of Tereza's notes that the Petropocalypse and dedollarization of the world's economies may take the wind out of the sails of the NATO and the US support for Israel. Thus avoiding WW 3.

https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/notes --- She makes a good point. If the Empire collapses under the weight of it's own debt, it will not be able to keep up the fiscal tyranny. Military Industrial Complex might go broke. Just an alternative thought.

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Excellent insight by Tereza. This is exactly the strategy of "attrition", adopted both by the Russians in Ukraine and Resistance Axis in Gaza. The idea being to have as low intensity as possible to extend the war, so that the enemy implodes from within, or at least is weakened greatly to avoid a big war that would be much more disastrous for humanity.

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I would highly recommend supplementary reading of “The Eighth Crusade: Uncensored Disclosures of a British Staff Officer 1939” by Lt. Col. E B Waters-Taylor.

In particular. It explains the deceit and hypocrisy involved with the Sykes–Picot Agreement and the Balfour Declaration. I must write up a Mention of this book.

and also see …

“The Jews and the British Empire” by Lesley Fry


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