"The Norm was Respecting the Other" --- I completely agree.

The age of Colonialism was always about building a form of "Contractual Annexation." A new method of control designed to enable the presence of an Empire, hidden just under the surface of attention; so glad to see it going away.

Every culture has a unique milieu; each culture has a precious message to share in world. It should a World that is safe for each culture to exist and grow; that is what Peace really is, a condition of Balance among all. I'm realizing this truth as I observe the unfolding changes.

I'm grateful for discovering your work, Fadi. I think we may have a lot in common.

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Thank you,

Quote: "Every culture has a unique milieu; each culture has a precious message to share in world."

Exactly... like a flower bouquet... are synergetic... the whole is greater than the sum

Agree we have a lot in common

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Jun 20Liked by Fadi Lama

Another layer of propaganda shed. Reminds me of the Incans who aimed to never disturbed the local worship.

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I believe so too, but could not find a reference.

Would appreciate if you can provide reference on this.

Thank you

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Thank you for this.

Every major religion, & probably most of the smaller ones, have some version of "do unto others. ."

I hope that someday we will all live by those Golden Rules.

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