If they can fake moon landings (and all the nations go along), then everything needs to be reevaluated, including virology, fundamental physics like the big bang theory, and a whole lot of history including the tumultuous 1960s. Many statues are being toppled. We never realized how much manipulation has been going on.

But that doesn't lead directly to the conclusion that we are helpless, in fact it leads to the opposite conclusion, because their machinations are finally being revealed (to a wider audience).

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True, including wider audience... going from 0.1% to 2% is a 2,000% increase but does that make it a significant impact?

On the other hand, as we shall see in later parts, the control of social media platforms with AI embedding mass psychology manipulation algorithms have enabled a stranglehold on the 90%.

But better to be positive and not give up :-)

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"One should . . . be able to see things as hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise."

-F. Scott Fitzgerald

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That's what we and others are doing on Substack

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See also


Not trying to defend Stockdale's politics though.

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:-) interesting... we implemented this philosophy in our business after the global financial crash... as suppliers of machinery for infrastructure works, when governments stopped investing in infrastructure... our sales crashed... by developing new products we were able to survive and thrive :-)

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Objectively though, it is the internet that has accelerated the banking agenda, just like the printing press 500 years ago, and just as the printing press was appropriated and used by the people to advance freedom, so it will happen with the internet and AI.

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The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.

- Aristotle

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"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal"

True, one cannot force "equality" especially not the woke way; that is both futile and counter productive

For the long-term wellbeing of a society, it should afford opportunities for all its members based on their merit and independent of affluence of their families. Specifically quality education should be free, all the way from school to grad school.

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