Sep 10Liked by Fadi Lama

Outstanding article. This strikes at the core of the global conflict. We can also hope that indigenous spirituality can drive real change in the US and the West. We are currently at the start of an American Civil War.


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Thank you Richard.

We had questioned Hamilton for a while, Tereza Corragio (https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/) cleared this confusion in her book "How to Dismantle and Empire". This led me to dig into the American Revolution, and was surprised... not... that a certain Pole after a stint in London was crucial in the victory against the British in the battle of Yorktown.

Check the article and photo of Heald Square Monument in Chicago posted on "The Chosen People Ministries" https://www.chosenpeople.com/haym-salomon/

It summarizes nicely the "American Revolution" :-)

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Thank you for sharing the "they" chosen!

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I found something very interesting, and it is all on Wikipedia, Martin Luther, was a liberal too and PROTECTED by the secular state, and he made his church to deal with his murder of a best friend, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther

Without Luther's backing for the uprising, many rebels laid down their weapons; others felt betrayed. Their defeat by the Swabian League at the Battle of Frankenhausen on 15 May 1525, followed by Müntzer's execution, brought the revolutionary stage of the Reformation to a close.[108] Thereafter, radicalism found a refuge in the Anabaptist movement and other religious movements, while Luther's Reformation flourished under the wing of the secular powers.[109]

So in essence everything is liberal which is not true, these are all various shades of grey, only the white can unite people, but since we are all free to choose, we need democracy to let people come to their senses when and if they want, and there will always be 33% of people who will choose NO to whatever and that is perfectly fine, as long as majority is interested in the Truth, which mostly is, because there is no freedom outside of living and seeking the Truth (neither personal nor collective)

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Thank you, Fadi, for the mention and the footnote! I think it's the first time I've gotten to see my book in a footnote. I loved in the definitions of civilization that they all include communities, not an individual status. The way of hopscotching over the community and going from the individual to 'civilization' has created a misalignment in our thinking that skews everything. As you know from my book, it's what the preamble to the Constitution did also by saying "We the People" rather than "We the States."

And thanks for the excellent information on Haym Salomon, who I'd never heard of before. It definitely clarifies who the Revolution served, and who the Constitution was written for.

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Thank you Tereza, I had no idea about the essence of the American Revolution until reading your book.

Now it fits the mold of Money Powers revolutions of the 17th to 20th century, especially with our American hero Haym lol lol

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Thank you. Do you think the teachings of the early Catholic Church which provided that Jews were not subject to the same laws with respect to usury and other behavior - and protected to a large degree in the community led to their growth? I have been slowly reading E. Michael Jones' 3 vol. The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and IMHO the lack of universal laws in society and the church's ignorance as to the existence of the Talmud until ~ 1000 AD - set the ground for Jewish Supremacy. Constrains were put down as far as Christian interactions with Jews - but many Christians failed to understand Christian charity towards the Jews and hospitality was not seen in the same light by the Jews. Many Christians became victims of usury and loss their property via manipulation of market conditions and conflict - much of which was intentionally created. I'm not stating that all Christians were innocent and all Jews were manipulative. Historically it has always seemed to me that Jewish folks promote their own - you can see this in economics, politics, government, media, medicine, military, science and academia - it was often more hidden where the owner or controller was Jewish and the employees were gentiles. Today, it seems the most protected group in society is the Jew probably because he who controls the money controls not only society but the fate of nations. I think most Jews view themselves as a Race or Tribe and not as white, black, Hispanic...... with allegiance to the tribe and not to the country in which they live (except for Israel) .

I came across A book written in the 1950s "Pawns in the Game" by William Guy Carr. (Available on Audible) but you can download the pdf at https://archive.org/details/pawnsinthegame_201708/page/n17/mode/2up

This book introduced me to the World Revolutionary Movement. I've much to learn. Thanks.

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Thank you.

Quote: "I think most Jews view themselves as a Race or Tribe and not as white, black, Hispanic......with allegiance to the tribe and not to the country in which they live (except for Israel)"

Very true, though most not all, you have notable exceptions: Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal, Norman Finkelstein, Ted Postel, Geraldine Hornberg, and many many others. It is recommended to avoid blanket statements of religious, racial or ethnic groups, for two main reasons, first it is racist and second and more importantly it generally distracts from accurate scientific analysis. For example in what I refer to as Money Powers, the Rockefellers are quite prominent, yet they are not Jewish.

Quote: "Do you think the teachings of the early Catholic Church which provided that Jews were not subject to the same laws with respect to usury and other behavior - and protected to a large degree in the community led to their growth?"

The Catholic Church was corrupted very early on. Laurent Guyénot addresses this issue in depth: https://www.unz.com/author/laurent-guyenot/

It should also be emphasized, that Popes and nobility while preaching against usury, frequently collaborated with the moneylenders, quoting R. H. Tawney in Religion and the Rise of Capitalism a Historical Study:

Popes regularly employed the international banking houses of the day, with a singular indifference to the morality of their business methods, provided protection, and sometimes enforced the payment of debts by the threat of excommunication.

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Martin Luther to Catholic Church was liberal too!, he wanted to play by his own rules, lightening up the Catholic teaching. Everyone who is making up his religion is liberal by definition! Only Catholic Church is based upon Apostles teaching and Christ all other Christians are LIBERALS, including orthodox.

Catholic Church had a hard stance on Jews up until 80s I think, why American Christians are so supportive of Jews I do not quite understand, recently Kennedy Jr. took a stance supportive of very liberal Jewish rabbi. Every rabbi is teaching his own religion, one example is Shmuley Boteach, so who are the real Jews !!? So every civilization faces the same problem: how to combine freedom of speech and keep unity. This can only be possible if civilization is seeking the Truth! You can read why is this so here: https://hrabmv.substack.com/p/how-societies-drift-towards-lack

Every civilization as every human being is plagued by the same sins, those who seek the Truth, freedom, and love ultimately prosper, western civilization is good example, as it is more than evident Asian cultures do not innovate nor care for values like : Truth and freedom. Everything that they do is based on western civilization ideas, so the real theft is happening on a large scale now through AI, widespread theft of author's rights.

By definition Jews are liberal as they could not follow the Christ teaching, they wanted to keep their own freedom to choose what is and what is not hence so many different views between them! There is no Pope, who will say this is so and this is not. So Pope is needed for any religion if wants to keep from falling to liberalism! Catholic Church even with the Pope lost its edge because watered down the teaching and started to be too liberal, especially towards 2 deadly sins: lies, and not promoting Jesus as the only savior under the Sun or godlessness.

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Sep 13Liked by Fadi Lama

There are many secular, non practicing Jews. They don’t marry Jews and don’t practice religion and are not bankers. They are liberal and they are conservative, but usually educated. Stereotypes can be applied to any group.

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