Mass Psychology a Powerful Geopolitical Tool
This work has made extensive use of the research and publications of Joshua Stylman
[1] and ICE-9.[2] It is strongly recommended to study their work.
The Geopolitical Struggle
For centuries the objective of the “Money Power,” aka “Globalists,” is total global domination.[3] This was to be achieved primarily through global control of money. Where there is resistance, other means, including military power of vassal states, is used to extend their hegemony.
Obstacles to global domination are therefore sovereign states that maintain control over their money, resources, and economy and the resistance of populations within sovereign and vassal states.
To achieve global domination, globalists need to:
A. Destroy what is left of national sovereignty;
B. Eliminate the potential for resistance within populations.
Sovereignty has already been greatly eroded in nearly all nations, including all Western nations. This has been achieved by a gradual chipping away at sovereignty, through:
1. Privately-owned or independent central banks: These print money, fix interest rates, and control money supply. Thus, it is these central banks, that effectively control monetary, financial, and economic policy, not the governments.
2. BIS membership (Bank for International Settlements): This is the “central bank of central banks” It imposes conditions on central banks which relay these to the banking sector within nations. The BIS has a major influence on the money supply within nations and therefore has a major influence on the global economy. A case in point is Japan at peak economic power in the late 1980s; all it took was one BIS regulation, the Basel Accord, to crash the Japanese economy.[4]
3. UN membership:
a. UNSC (United Nations Security Council); USA
Resolutions are laws nations have to abide by.b. UN organizations:
i. IMF (International Monetary Fund); USA.
ii. WBG (World Bank Group); USA.
iii. WHO (World Health Organization); Switzerland.
iv. UNFCCC (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change); USA.
v. ICJ (International Court of Justice); Netherlands.
vi. ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization); Canada.
vii. IMO (International Maritime Organization); UK.
viii. ILO (International Labor Organization); Switzerland.
ix. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization); Italy.
x. UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural); France.
xi. UNIDO (UN Industrial Development Organization); Austria.
xii. WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization); Switzerland.
xiii. WMO (World Meteorological Organization); Switzerland.
4. WTO (World Trade Organization); Switzerland.
5. Privatization policies which hollow out government’s role in society, increases the cost of living, and results in long-term degradation of public services.
6. NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations): Foreign funded, unelected groups.
It is interesting to note that all the global organizations listed above are located in the West.
In sync with eroding state sovereignty, globalists have focused on mass psychology to control and preempt the potential for the resistance of populations. Great progress in mass psychology and control was achieved in the 20th century, and this accelerated tremendously in the 21st century with developments in computing power, digital technology, internet connectivity, smartphones, social media platforms, and artificial intelligence (AI).
Many works exist on the erosion of sovereignty.[5] Accordingly, the focus of this work is on the second enemy of the globalists, namely the populations, with a view to understanding how they are being controlled and what if anything can be done to resist the objective of total global domination.
Mass Psychology a Powerful Geopolitical Tool
In the 20th century:
§ Leftists referred to anti-capitalist, pro-socialist, pro-worker unions, anti-imperialist, pro-resistance movements. Hero figures were Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Nelson Mandela, Ho Chi Minh, Malcolm X, etc.
§ Rightists referred to pro-capitalist, anti-worker unions, anti-socialist, pro-USA, pro-Israel. Leading figures were Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.
§ Arab and Moslem masses’ ideology was Pan-Arabism, anti-Israel, anti-oil sheikhdoms and anti-imperialism. Hero figures: Gamal Abdel Nasser and Ahmad Sokarno.
In the 21st century:
§ Leftists are mostly pro-LGBTQ+, pro-abortion, pro-global warming mandates, pro-Covid mandates, pro-EV, pro-vaccine. Hero figure: Greta Thunberg.
§ Rightists are predominantly pro-national sovereignty, pro-traditional values, anti-globalist, anti-vaccine. Hero figures: Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Victor Orban, Vladimir Putin, etc.
§ Arab and Moslem masses: Anti-Shiite. Leading figures: Erdogan and Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
The question that poses itself is what caused these transformations:
§ Western lefties went from support of liberation struggles to support of homosexuality and other perversions; from being anti-establishment to becoming pro-establishment.
§ Arab and Moslem masses went from being anti-Israel into becoming anti-Shiite.
Actually, such transformations in mass psyche are nothing new; a similarly drastic transformation occurred in less than one year in 1917. At the outbreak of World War I, Americans strongly favored a policy of neutrality.[6] Effectively, President Wilson won his re-election campaign with the slogan ‘He kept us out of war’.[7] Shortly after the start of Wilson’s second term in March 1917, the US declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917; and one week later Wilson established the Committee on Public Information (CPI) through Executive Order 2594. CPI was tasked with transforming public opinion from being anti-war and neutral, to becoming pro-war and anti-German.[8]
The committee was highly ‘successful’ in its task; within one-year American public opinion was changed from anti-war and neutrality, to pro-war and hatred of Germany. The CPI whipped Americans into an anti-German frenzy. From the Library of Congress: [9]
German American businesses and homes were vandalized, and German Americans accused of being "pro-German" were tarred and feathered, and, in at least once instance, lynched. None of these institutions ever fully recovered, and the centuries-old tradition of German language and literature in the United States was pushed to the margins of national life, and in many places effectively ended.
The most pervasive damage was done, however, to German language and education. German-language newspapers were either run out of business or chose to quietly close their doors. German-language books were burned, and Americans who spoke German were threatened with violence or boycotts. German-language classes, until then a common part of the public-school curriculum, were discontinued and, in many areas, outlawed entirely.
A report published in 1940 by the Council on Foreign Relations credits the committee with creating "the most efficient engine of war propaganda which the world had ever seen," producing a "revolutionary change" in public attitude toward US participation in WWI.[10]
Americans in the 1920s and 30s realized that they had been manipulated by the CPI, which prevented Franklin Roosevelt from resurrecting it to whip up support for entry into World War II.[11] Instead, an oil embargo was imposed on Japan, forcing it to attack Pearl Harbor. This was an attack that President Roosevelt was aware of in advance, but he let it proceed to provide justification for entry into the war.[12] Following the attack the messages and techniques the CPI had pioneered were widely used to help wage WWII and the Cold War.[13]
Thus, all that is necessary to shape the opinion of the masses is understanding of mass psychology, how to manipulate it, and having the mass communication platforms to allow the shaping of opinions at will.
Keep in mind that the CPI effected the above transformation in the Americans psyche when mass communication was incomparably limited compared to the present. At that time, there were no radio broadcasts, no TVs, no internet. Mass communication was essentially through newspapers, which comprised the only reading material for ninety per cent of Americans.[14]
Newspapers are an “inert” medium. They can’t provide instant feedback, nor can they profile you within minutes, or identify to which “group” you belong, or create “filter bubbles” and “echo chambers.”[15],[16] Yet even with these limitations compared to current media platforms, it was possible to flip upside-down the majority opinion of 100 million persons.
Today, with the explosion of mass media on a global scale, through newspapers, TV, and movies, internet, and social media platforms, the instruments of mass manipulation and control are therefore incomparably greater and more powerful than they were in 1917. Today, media platforms have moved from manipulation of the masses to control of the masses.
As ‘reality is irrelevant, manipulated perception is’,[17] not surprisingly therefore to Kissinger’s three famous quotes:
§ Control the food you and control the people.
§ Control the energy and you control continents.
§ Control the money and you control the world.
A fourth has been introduced:
§ Control the script and you control the minds.[18]
Geopolitics typically integrates geography, demography, history, civilizational factors, economy, technological knowhow, and military power, in order to provide an understanding of global political dynamics. However, realizing the power of mass psychological control, it is essential to also include mass psychology as an important factor in geopolitical analyses.
Quoting Sun Tzu:[19]
For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.
“Color revolutions” are a typical application of Sun Tzu’s statement above. Should there be some blood, it is only the blood of the targeted population, be it that of the protesters or of the forces of the law, Quoting ICE-9:[20]
Some of the Eastern Bloc republics had proven difficult to turn. For those nations yet to relinquish their central banks, one random day - for no reason whatsoever - the flat screen televisions went up on all those empty walls in the public spaces. Suddenly out of nowhere there was 24/7 saturation coverage about how lousy everyone’s life of boiled cabbage was and how the western promise of hamburgers beckoned to all just for the asking. Festive scenes of street protests followed, and soon yet another glorious color revolution was in swing. Those democratically elected leaders still clinging to their nations’ central banks had to be ousted by the democratic forces of fully programmable digital people power. So, every day the colorful parades gave way to the black of nightfall and the agent provocateurs who ruled the streets with their fiery and not so peaceful protests. Serbia (2000), Georgia I (2003), Georgia II (2004), Ukraine I (2004), and Kyrgyzstan (2005) all fell in swift succession to the lure of hamburgers, blue jeans, and rock ‘n roll.
A case in point is Iran, which suffered eighty years of wealth exploitation,[21] a quarter century of repression and terror, hundreds of thousands of Iranians[22] tortured and murdered by Savak,[23] the Shah’s intelligence agency created with the help of the CIA and Mossad,[24] and over 40 years of Western sanctions, multiple scientist assassinations, and two failed color revolutions; yet a sizeable segment of the Iranian population is in favor of cooperation with the West. Even though the leader of the revolution, Imam Khomeini, had warned multiple times not to trust the West, labelling the USA the Great Satan.
It must be recognized that the West, using mass psychology manipulation, has made significant inroads into the minds of large swathes of Iranian society, and that the danger to Iran is not military, but rather the danger is from internal destabilization, aka color revolution. Discounting this reality will be at Iran’s peril.
Similar warnings apply to Algeria, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and all other countries with sovereign governments that have control over their central banks.
[3] Tragedy and Hope, Carroll Quigley, The Macmillan Company, 1966
[4] WHY THE WEST CAN’T WIN: From Bretton Woods to a Multipolar World, Fadi Lama, Clarity Press, 2023
[5] WHY THE WEST CAN’T WIN: From Bretton Woods to a Multipolar World, Fadi Lama, Clarity Press, 2023
[6] WW I and American public opinion, Walter Edmund Hicks, MA University of Louisville, 1949
[7] United States presidential election of 1916, Richard Pallardy, Britannica,
[8] The US Propaganda Machine of World War I, Livia Gershon, JSTOR Daily, Nov 17, 2023
[9] Shadows of War, Library of Congress
[10] Committee on Public Information, Wikipedia
[11] The Committee on Public Information, Nick Fisher, Australasian Journal of American Studies , Jul 2016
[12] Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, Robert Stinnett, Free Press, May 2001
[13] The Committee on Public Information, Nick Fisher, Australasian Journal of American Studies , Jul 2016
[14] WW I and American public opinion, Walter Edmund Hicks, MA University of Louisville, 1949
[15] What are Filter Bubbles and Digital Echo Chambers?, Judith Möller, Heinrich Boel Stiftung, Mar 4, 2022
[16] What Is An Echo Chamber?, Maridel, Ledesma,, Nov 25, 2023
[17] HyperNormalisation HD, Adam Curtis, YouTube, Nov 25, 2016
[18] The Killing Joke - Chapter 4 of 25, ICE-9, Substack, Nov 23, 2024
[19] Sun Tzu’s Fighting Words, Verse 3.02, John F. Sullivan, The Strategy Bridge, Jun 15, 2020
[20] The Killing Joke - Chapter 11 of 25, ICE-9, Substack, Jan 11, 2025
[21] WHY THE WEST CAN’T WIN: From Bretton Woods to a Multipolar World, Fadi Lama, Clarity Press, 2023
[22] Truth Takes a Beating, Fifth Estate Collective, March 18, 1981.
[23]Savak Agent Describes How He Tortured Hundreds, Jonathan Kandell. New York Times, June 18, 1979.
[24] 40 Years On, Chilling Display Brings Torture of Iranian Dissidents Close to Home, Haaretz, February 6, 2019.